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Still beating the “self-care” drum

One day each week, put “self-care” at the top of your list. Do it before you do anything else if you can.

It’s easiest for me to do this on a weekend, but if you’ve got young kids heading out to soccer, coding club, dance lessons, baseball, field hockey, gymnastics, robotics tournaments or any of the other dozens of choices available to kids, you may need to make time on a week day.

Do it before anything else if you can.

If you can’t, make time during “lunch.” (yes, it’s okay to pause for lunch)

Or step away from your devices 60-90 minutes before you plan to shut down for the day.

Whenever you do it, do whatever gives you joy besides your business.
– Run
– Read
– Listen to music
– Meditate
– Pray
– Nap
– Cook
– Dance
– Watch cartoons
– Snuggle with your significant other
– Yoga
– Play a video game – or Pickleball
– Browse at a store – no purchase decisions required

Whatever you do, be sure it’s something YOU find restorative, not “just another thing to do.”

In general, the most restorative activities are those that offer a cognitive, emotional, and physical change of pace from your day-to-day. For instance, if you make consumer products, browsing in a store may be the least restful option!

There are oodles of people more qualified than me to coach you on specific self-care techniques. This is just a reminder that self-care isn’t selfish – it’s essential for your personal health and well-being AND for your company.

Be gentle with yourself! 💙


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