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Do your organization’s “engines” need a tune-up?

Teams are the engines of organizations. An executive may have an ah-ha! moment, but one or more teams turn that idea into reality, usually making it better along the way.

Teams perform the day-to-day work of the organization and solve the unexpected problems that crop up along the way. In short, teams are how work gets done – creative work, compliance work, production work, and life-saving work.

Just like a car with engine problems, if an organization’s teams aren’t working well, the organization isn’t working well.

And just like an engine, teams require preventive maintenance and downtime. If they don’t get it, they start making funny noises, the early warning signs that something is out of whack. Ignore those noises for too long, and a gasket could blow. Is your team exhibiting any of these early warning signs?:

1. Performance declines
2. Communication breakdowns
3. Coordination problems
4. Decreased engagement
5. Unexpected departures

If so, you’re not alone. Stay tuned for my upcoming eBook offering no-cost practices you can implement immediately to maintain team cohesion and performance during this time of ongoing challenge and change.

#teams #virtualteams #reinventingteams


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